Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chinese Medicine

Traditional Cinese Medicine (TCM) refers to a broard range of therapies including herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietay changes and massage which share a common theory developed over thousands of years in China.
TCM does not focus on the anatomical structures of the body but rather its functions (digestion, breathing, temperature control and circulation)
Key concepts withing TCM are the following:
  • Ying and Yang (defined as opposing energies, such as earth and heaven, winter and summer, happiness and sadness) When yin and yang are in balance, you feel relaxed and energized. When out of balance, yin and yang negatively affect your health.
  • Qi (pronounced "chee") is the life force or energy which flows through the meridians of the body. When there's too little or too much qi, or when the flow of qi is blocked, illness results.

TCM aims to re-balance the body into a state whereby the body can heal itself. It is an effective treatment for both adults and childeren and can treat a wide range of conditions including skin issues, nervous system problems such as hyperactivity or nervousness, digestive complains and hormonal imbalances

TCM differs from Western Herbal Medicine which tends to use only one or two herbs to treat just a specific symptom. A Chinese Herbal formula has as many as 20 different herbs. The herbs are selected to work synergistically to treat the whole person and treat the root (or cause) of a health concern along with the symptoms.

TCM is a complex medical system but at Evelyn Faye Nutrition we have two companies that have taken the difficulty out of formulating these remedies.

FUSION - An Australian company based in Byron Bay, Fusion have a range of Chinese herbal combinations which can be used for all ages and for animals!

RED PEONY This range of TCM is specifically targeted towards childerens health and includes treatment options for coughs and colds, behavior, allergies and digestion.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Have you heard of the newest superfood discovery that is centuries old?
Black Rice was once known as "forbidden rice" since in ancient China only nobles were allowed to eat it. It is considered one of our lesser known but equally impressive superfoods.
Food scientist Dr Zhimin said "Just a spoonful of Black Rice contains more health promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than in a spoon of blueberries but with less sugar, more fibre and a higher Vitamin E content."
Anthocyanidins provide the dark colour in many fruit and vegetables and give Black Rice its purple appearance. It is these powerful antioxidants which mop up dangerous free radicals in the body, protecting us from heart disease, cancer and the ageing process.
Black Rice also has anti inflammatory properties and has been shown in clinical trials to reduce allergic dermatitis and eczema. This suggests that it may play a benificial role in the diet of those with chronic inflammatory conditions.
We have Organic Black Rice availible now at Evelyn Faye Nutrition; Grab some then try these delicious recipes!
Use as a base in any Asian meal, stir fry, curry, or mexican. Don't just put on a big pot of Black Rice though! Cook 1 part black to 1 part brown rice (similar cooking time) or 1 part black to 6 parts white (cook black rice for 10 min longer than white).

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Multivitamins have become a staple in many Australians daily routine with estimated sales of in excess of $146 million annually. They have been touted for all ages as an essential supplement to our diets; but do we really need them and how do we choose a good one?

The case for multivitamins:

  • Typical western diet consists of highly processed and nutritionally deficient foods

  • Deficiencies are identified as risk factors for many disease states such as osteoporosis, cancer and cognitive decline; as well as poor immune function, fatigue and reduced ability to cope with stress.

  • Many sectors of the community may have a reduced ability to digest food and assimilate nutrients such as the elderly, alcoholics and those with allergies and digestive inflammation.

  • During certain phases of life we may require more than what we consume through our diet- such as during pregnancy, highly stressful events, high physical activity, when we are sick or as digestion diminishes.

Most multivitamin dosages are based on the individual nutrients RDI which determines the amount of a nutrient needed per day to prevent disease. Today however, we realise consuming doses greater than the bare minimum can not only reduce disease risk but also help acute needs such as immune enhancement and energy.

What makes a good Multi?

  • A balance of vitamins equivalent to the ratios required by the body and to produce a synergistic effect. ie a calcium to magnesium ratio close to 2:1.

  • Nutrient forms and bound minerals. For example Natural Vitamin E is better absorbed than synthetic Vitamin E. While citrates, chelates and phosphates provide higher bioavailibility than inorganic salts such as oxides, chlorides and sulphates.

  • Non-competing nutrients. For example Ascorbic acid may degrade other nutrients due to its acidic properties compared to calcium ascorbate which is neutral.

  • Meeting or exceeding current Australian RDI's


  • A 2002 Study suggested all adults should take a multivitamin daily and an increased dose may be recommended for those at high risk of disease (such as elderly)

  • Young men taking a multivitamin in a randomised controlled trial observed benefits for stress, anxiety, energy and concentration (2007)

  • Dietary epidemiological study combined with a study on disease state concluded consuming a daily multivitamin far outweighs any potential risk. (2007)

Our Recommendations:

At Evelyn Faye Nutrition we have a range of high quality multivitamins; our staff favorites are:

  • Bioceutical MultiEssentials or Women's essentials

  • Fusion Advanced multivitamin

  • Eagle Tresos B with Selenium

  • Body Science Multi VMA

Monday, June 13, 2011

Suffering from PMS? Maybe Vitex can help?

Vitex agnus-castus, otherwise known as Chaste tree has been used as a medicinal plant since Hippocrates in 450BC. Today Vitex is used by western herbalists for a range of female gynaecological conditions and science is now validating what traditional healers have been practicing for centuries.

Vitex is said to be the herb of the luteal phase of the female cycle (that is from ovulation to the first day of menses). It is particularly useful for conditions that occur during this time, those known as premenstrual symptoms or, PMS. Positive effects have been noted for acne, cold sores and genital herpes, fluid retention and breast tenderness as well as menstrual irregularities or for those who do not get periods (amennorrhoea).

It is thought that Vitex aids conditions characterised by low progesterone secretion and elevated prolactin levels. This covers a range of PMS symptoms as well as altered menstrual cycle lengths, absent ovulation, absent periods and infertility. The causative factors are not completely understood however it seems to be related to stress leading to alterations of the hypothalamic control over ovarian function.

In 1993 52 women with luteal phase defects were involved in a randomized placebo controlled trial. They received a daily dose of 20mg of Vitex and after 3 months Prolactin levels were normalised and defects in progesterone production eliminated. There were no side effects and 2 of the women fell pregnant. (A. Milewicz 1993)

A Placebo controlled trail in 2000 involving 1634 patients suffering PMS symptoms including depression, anxiety, cravings, headaches and fluid retention took Vitex for 3 months and completed a questionnaire regarding their symptoms. 93% of patients reported a decrease in the number and severity of symptoms, some with complete cessation of complaints. 85% of physicians involved rated the herb as a good or very good treatment with no adverse reactions.

Vitex is a complex herb with variance in quality between brands. It should be used under the supervision of a practitioner, ask your naturopath if it would be appropriate for you. It is not recommended in conjunction with other hormonal medication such as the pill and HRT. It is usually taken as a once per day dose for between three and nine months, some changes in symptoms are usually present in the first cycle. Longer term prescriptions may be needed and this appears safe.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

So many choices... so what's the diff?

As cold and flu season approaches, it seems there are so many herbal remedies to choose from. So how do we know what to use and when. Here's the low down on a few of the herbs and when and how to use them.

A key immune herb, Echinacea's use for immunity dates back to ancient Native American tribes. It is an immunostimulant, acting to increase non-specific immunity; this means it enhances our bodies immune system so it can greater resist infection of any kind. Despite a traditional use in upper respiratory conditions, Echinacea can be used as a preventative, during infection and for recovery from infection. It is not directly anti bacterial or anti viral; rather it is stimulating your bodies own immune response. Despite some claims Echinacea should not be used in pregnancy, many other authoritative sources do not support these restrictions. Personally I would perhaps avoid it in the first trimester but after this would feel comfortable taking it for illnesses whilst pregnant.

Andrographis~ A Chinese herb traditionally used as a digestive tonic, Andrographis has a role in stimulating the bodies immunity especially where the person is fatigued, frail or is experiencing chronically lowered immunity and repeated infection. Andrographis is a cooling herb and can help bring down a fever and improve a persons recovery.

Astragalus~ This wonderful herb strengthens and restores the bodies immune system whilst improving general vitality. This herb is of particular use to those with general lowered immunity such as an adjunct therapy to chemotherapy, cancer, autoimmune disease and chronic illness. This is the herb to take when your after something long term to help build up your body when you feel you are vulnerable to opportunistic infections.

Thyme~ Unlike the herbs mentioned above, Thyme does not stimulate your bodies immunity, rather it acts as a direct anti microbial, anti bacterial, antiseptic and expectorant. This herb is fantastic for treatment of coughs, bronchitis, catarrh and tonsillitis. It is an excellent addition to a throat gargle, cough mixture or mouth wash.

Olive Leaf~ Olive leaf is a potent antioxidant with up to 400% more antioxidant effect than vitamin C. Antioxidants protect our body against the effect of a poor diet, pollution, alcohol etc has on our cells. Olive leaf also stimulates circulation and has a direct anti viral, anti bacterial effect. Clinical trial on the effectiveness of Olive leaf are lacking and the anti viral effect are mostly publicised by those marketing the product. Will Olive leaf help your immune system? The answer is probably yes however it would not be my first choice. Will olive leaf help your general well being? Definitely Yes, the antioxidant and circulatory stimulating effect will increase your energy and general health.

Cats Claw~ A traditional herb from the Amazon, the alkaloids found in Cats claw have immune stimulating properties as well as being directly anti microbial, anti bacterial and anti viral. It has powerful antioxidant effects and is used in cases where the immune immune system is compromised such as in cancer, HIV and other chronic infections.

Golden Seal~ A part of the Berberis genus, Golden Seal (or Hydrastis) is particularly useful where there is a lot of mucous! It is anti microbial and anti parasitic and is also used for many digestive infections and complaints. This winter use Golden Seal for ear infections, sinus infections and chesty coughs.

Ginger~ When your cold there is nothing better than some ginger tea to help warm you up from the inside! Ginger is a great addition to any immune mix where you are feeling cold and achy. Ginger is also great at breaking up mucous to unblock your nose or help loosen phlegm in the chest. You can have it as tea, liquid, tablet or fresh!

Licorice & Marshmallow~ Whilst not having a direct influence on the immune system, these two herbs are used to soothe a sore throat. Having these herbs in their liquid form will help take the inflammation and hoarseness out of your throat.

Inula~ Known to herbalists as a lung tonic, this herb helps to strengthen lung tissue. It is therefore helpful for those who are prone to chest infections or asthma or those with a cough that just won't go away.

Leah's Top 3 favorite Immune Products:

Herbs of Gold "Hit Cough" A blend of Inula, Licorice, Echinacea, Marrubium and Thyme. This is a great mix for a sore throat, chesty or dry cough or general cold and flu. I would reccomend this in the Acute phase of infection.

Ethical Nutrients "Immune Defence" A blend of Echinacea, Andrographis, Siberian Ginseng plus vitamin C and Zinc. This would be perfect for those who are busy, a bit stressed and fatigued. It can be used as a treatment or preventitive and should be taken for at least two weeks following a cold or flu to ensure a good recovery.

Fusion "Astra 8" Helps aid in recovery following an illness or for those who feel they have a low resistance to recurrent infections. Great for people who have chronic health conditions which impacts their immunity or those who are suseptible to picking up everything thats going around.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Staying warm this winter

Everyone in Melbourne has felt the cold of winter creep in this past week, this usually spells the end of exercise and the beginning of couch sitting with a blanket over your knees and a hot chocolate!

So how can we keep warm, fit and well this winter?

Eating for the season~ It is important to feed our bodies enough energy so it can produce heat to keep us warm all day. Winter is the time for all our root vegetables; carrots, turnips, parsnips, squash and sweet potato help give us sustained energy over the wintry day. Garlic ginger, shitake mushrooms and honey all have warming and immune building properties, add them to cooking wherever possible! Wholegrains such as millet, buckwheat and barley support kidney function which helps maintain body temperature. Using beans in our cooking with lots of spices like Cayenne, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, cardamon and garlic help stimulate circulation and provide warmth from the inside out.

Herbal teas~ Having tea enhances the circulation to your skin. Grate fresh ginger into all your favorite teas. Herbs such as cardamon, cinnamon and cloves are all warming, Rose Hips are high in vitamin C and help support immunity; as does adding a bit of manuka honey for sweetness. Pick yourself up a yummy Chai blend and enjoy with milk and honey. If you like hot chocolate go for a good quality raw cacao blend- Loving Earth drinking chocolate is delicious... and healthy!

Exercise & Lifestyle tips~ It can be very hard to get moving but great winter exercises include Yoga (especially hot yoga), dancing, gym, jump rope skipping and weight lifting. After you exercise have a nice hot shower and use a loofa to massage the skin and exfoliate; this will bring blood flow right up to the surface of your skin.

Heat packs~ At Evelyn Faye we now carry a beautiful range of heat pack, eye pillows and hot water bottles. Lovely for at home and as gifts this chilly season

Our winter recipe~ Curried Pumpkin Soup :-)

about 6 cups of cubed butternut pumpkin
Olive oil, Butter, Salt
1 Onion
1tsp of Mustard seeds
1tsp Yellow curry powder
dash of ground cumin
1tbs of minced fresh ginger
4 cups of chicken stock
1/2 cup of sour cream and parsley to garnish

1) In batches- add oil and butter to pan and lightly fry pumpkin until slightly brown then put aside

2)Add more oil to pan and lightly fry onion until soft. The add curry powder, mustard seeds, cumin and ginger and fry for another minute or so, stirring with a wooden spoon

3)Return pumpkin to pot and add Chicken stock, simmer for 40min or until pumpkin is completely tender.

4) Blend the soup smooth and add salt and pepper as desired. Garnish with sour cream and parsley.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Optimal muscle recovery and new tissue growth can both be supported with the use of Horley's premium performance protein, Ice Whey. Utilizing Ion-exchange whey protein isolate means a higher concentration of BCAA's for the repair of micro-tears in muscle tissue while triggering the growth of new tissue.
The high dose of glutamine helps regenerate and protect cells along the GI tract, which helps maintain immunity during high colume training. Furthermore, glutamine along with BCAA's helps to preserve hard-earned muscle tissue while following a low-calorie diet to stimulate fat loss.

Elise's rating:

Taste: 4/5

Mixability: 3/5 (this is only due to the fact there are zero carbs and zero fats, so there's not a lot the protein peptides can bind to)

Recovery: 5/5

Value for money: get it's while it's on special and save $8!

How to use:

Mix 3 scoops in 250mL cold water and comsume immediately after weight training.OR for even better results, mix 2 scoops in 250mL cold water prior to weight training as well - this way there will be more circulationg amino acids in your blood stream that your body can utilize for muscle tissue. This will enhance strength gains just that little bit quicker.

ON SALE FOR $84.95

(RRP: $92.95)

Monday, April 25, 2011


Dry and dehydrated skin can leave us looking pale, older and unhealthy as well as having physical symptoms of itchiness, cracking, redness, enlarged pores, discolouration and poor healing. It is vital for radient skin to have a good balance of water and oil. It is water that keeps our skin cells plump and youthfull looking, whilst oil protects our skin and reduces evaporation of water from our cells.

Water enters the skin from the blood streem so the most important factor to healthy skin is drinking plenty of water and eating a clean diet full of fresh vegetables. Important nutrtients for healthy skin include Vitamin A (found in yellow and orange vegetables) Zinc (found in nuts, seeds and shellfish) Vitamin C (kiwi fruit, red capsicum and broccoli) Anti-oxidants (berries, raw foods, red and purple vegetables and fruits) Sulphur (onions, garlic, eggs) and Omega 3, 6 & 9 (fish, nuts, seeds, coconut)

Avoiding Alcohol, caffeine, smoking, sugary foods and fried fats will also go a long way in maintaining youthfull looking skin as will staying protected from the elements such as sun and wind.

When choosing beauty products a facial oil may be better for dry skin. Rose Hip oil is well absorbed and high in Vitamin A, C & E. Jojoba Oil is very well absorbed into the skin and is very nourishing as well as high in antioxidants. Here at Evelyn Faye we have a range of facial oils which are natural and organic. You should also avoid using soaps and washes with foaming agents. MooGoo is a range of skin products which specifically target dry and irritated skin, we are forever getting fantastic feedback from customers who use this range.

For anyone coming into the store with dry and irritated skin with no known cause I would suggest they supplement with the following:

*Ethical Nutrients High strength Liquid Fish Oil - 1tsp per day

*Planet health Silicea- 1tbs per day

*Natural Vitamin E 500IU per day

Then suggest the following beauty products:

*MooGoo Shampoo, Conditioner and Body Wash

*Jojoba Oil or Coconut Oil for the body

*Aum Rose Hip Oil for the face

And Increase through the diet:

*Fresh brightly coloured fruit and vegetables.

*Fish, Raw nuts and seeds


*Protein sources such as lean meats, wholegrains and tofu


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


These crippling conditions characterized by pain, stiffness, bone deformity and swelling arise when the normally smooth and lubricating function of cartilage is lost. Cartilage deterioration is due to a gradual reduction in proteoglycan levels which would normally maintain cartilage integrity.

Arthritis is a degenerative condition and therefore irreversible and mostly progressive. Modern medicine focuses on management and relief of pain through the use of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's) which unfortunately fail to meet requirements of many sufferers and have detrimental health effects over the long term.

The natural medicine community has a lot to offer those struggling with the disease or as preventative treatment for those who feel they may be at risk in the future.

Glucosamine: A major building block of proteoglycans which protect cartilage, glucosamine also helps maintain and protect cartilage strength and flexibility. Glucosamine has been proven to be equally effective as NSAID's with over 20 controlled trails focusing on pain and functional impairment. Glucosamine is safe and can be used in combination with anti-inflammatory and analgesic treatment.

Chondroitin: Another building block of proteoglycans, chondroitin is a particularly important component of connective tissue, cartliage and tendons. It is chondroitin which gives cartilage it's cushioning and shock absorbing properties and therefore very important in weight bearing joints such as the hips and knees. In clinical trials Chondroitin has been shown to reduce patient reliance on pain medication and increase joint motility whilst having no known side effects

Fish Oils: Inflammatory cells contain high levels of omega 6 derived from Arachadonic Acid. Omega 3 from fish oil acts as a competitor to Arachadonic Acid thereby reducing the production of these inflammatory cells. Studies show that omega 3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and improve arthritic symptoms of joint pain, morning stiffness, grip strength and fatigue.

Herbal Medicine: Many herbs possess potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects without harshness on the stomach. Well researched and effective herbs include Turmeric, Boswellia and Ginger. The benefit of taking the herbal remedies is that they work quickly whilst the glucosamine, chondroitin and omega 3 may take longer to have desired effect. Therefor taking herbs for the first 2 months of treatment will help alleviate symptoms and enhance healing and then can be taken away as the others build up.

Products I would suggest looking at would be FUSION "Glucosamine premium repair" NUTRA LIFE "Concentrated joint powder" ETHICAL NUTRIENTS "Hi-Strength fish oil" and ETHICAL NUTRIENTS "Pain relief"

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The healing power of flowers

Back Flower Remedies have been around for 70 years helping people by relieving stress and emotional imbalances. We have all seen or heard of the famous Rescue Remedy Combination, but what exactly are flower essences, how do they work and how do we choose the one which one is right for us?

There are 38 Remedies in total, all discovered by Dr Edward Bach, a London surgeon and immunologist. His original research was in vaccines but he turned to homeopathy after disappointment with the way the medical profession viewed disease and didn't take into account the emotional well being of patients. In 1930 his focus shifted again from homeopathy to the essences of flowers. Over years of trial and error, Dr Bach found each of the remedies he wanted for different mental and emotional states.

Each of the 38 remedies is associated with a basic human emotion; Mimulus for example is the remedy taken when you are anxious or afraid of something specific; people who are afraid of flying may take this before getting on a plane. The exact mechanism of how they work is unknown however it is believed the vibrational energy of the plant is carried across the extraction process and retained in the mother tincture. This energy can be seen in photographs of the essences which produce beautiful kirlian crystal formations.

Bach remedies are safe and effective in pregnancy, for young children and even your pets! My first experience with rescue remedy was for both myself and my horse as we would get uptight and nervous before competitions. Expecting mothers may take Walnut which is used to help people adjust with change; or Star of Bethlehem in cases where the birth itself has been particularly traumatic. Parents may get to love Vine which is great for bossy and stubborn children determined to get their own way!

To take the remedy in an acute moment of distress you simply put 2 drops of each selected essence into a glass of water and sip as often as required until relief is obtained. For more chronic conditions take a small bottle with distilled water and place2-4 drops of each selected remedy into the bottle. From this bottle take 4 drops 4 x daily.

Here at Evelyn Faye we stock a full range of individual remedies, the Rescue remedy, Sleep remedy and we can also make up individualised mixtures from our dispensary.

To see a list of the individual remedies and their action see here

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"SUKKIE" - Performance Fuel with Dental Protection!

Most of us know of the negative impact that dehydration has on physical performance during training and competition. However, with the growing number of sports drinks on the market in fancy packaging promising great taste and peak performance, we tend to disregard the impact these table-sugar and sodium-loaded drinks have on our teeth!

So where do we go from here...? Do we drink water to keep our teeth healthy but miss out on the carbohydrates needed to fuel peak performance OR do we continue to drink highly acidic sports drinks that will only wear down the enamel on our teeth and cause severe dental erosion...???

Here's the answer...

SUKKIE - "Your performance shouldn't cost your teeth"

Flavours : Lemon Crush & Berry Rush

Sizes : 420g or 800g

Sukkie contains :

* NO cane sugar

* NO artificial colours

* NO artifical flavours

* NO gluten or other allergens

* Low acid with pH5

with 500mL water

Energy 101 cal
Protein 0g
Fat, Total 0g
-saturated 0g
Carbohydrate 25.1g
-fructose 15.35g
-maltodextrin 9.75g
Dietary fibre 0g
Sodium 260mg
Potassium 95mg
Calcium 175mg

What is Sukkie?

"Sukkie" provides the energy you need to perform at your best while also containing a high concentration of electrolytes to help prevent muscular cramps and calcium in particular to strengthen teeth. Due to it's low pH level, Sukkie will not cause any loss of tooth enamel.

It's carbohydrate energy blend of maltodextrin and fructose will allow for a sustained release of glucose into the blood stream preventing insulin spikes and sugar crashes so you'll feel energised for longer!

How do I use it?

Before competition :

Optimal hydration must begin the day before competition. Aim to drink 3-4litres of water during this time.

On the morning of competition, consume 500mL water on rising, then sip on 500mL Sukkie in the hour leading up to compeition.

During competition :

Everyone will have a different sweat rate, but, as a general rule aim for 1 litre of fluid every hour. Consume 500mL - 750mL Sukkie Rehydration every hour and get the remaining 200-300mL from plain water.

Sip on 200-250mL every 15 minutes during competition.

After compeition :

Consume 1L fluid for every 1kg body weight lost. 500mL-1L of Sukkie Rehydration will quickly replace fluid lost as well as replenish depleted muscle glycogen stores. This will allow for quicker recovery before your next event or training session...

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, see Elise in store or drop by on Tuesday 29th March to taste both flavours & talk to Leon, founder of the product!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Quinoa- Super food of the Incas!

Quinoa (pronounced kin-wa) is a protein rich seed which has a slightly nutty flavour and a fluffy but slightly crunchy texture when cooked. Although commonly considered a grain it is actually a relative of green leafy vegetables such as spinach.

In the days of the Inca empire, Quinoa was an important part of the diet as it was believed to give warriors strength and stamina.

Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids and is particularly high in Lysine (great for healthy immune systems and tissue healing) Manganese, Magnesium, iron and phosphorus. It is high in anti oxidants and is a good source of fibre.

Quinoa can be found in health food stores (including Evelyn Faye Nutrition) in the form of the raw seed, flakes or flour. There are two varieties- red and white and this super little seed can be prepared in a number of different ways. Below are some ideas...

Quinoa Cookies:
1/2 cup of Agave nectar or honey
1/2 cup of almond butter
1/3 cup of raw sugar
125g melted butter
1 cup of rice or regular flour
3/4 cup of Quinoa flakes
3/4 tsp baking soda
1.4 tsp Salt
1 cup of dark chocolate bits
2tsp ground cinnamon
3tsp cocoa powder

  • Pre heat oven to 150C and Oil a baking tray or line with baking powder
  • Beat together first 5 ingredients until creamy
  • Combine all remaining ingredients and stir into the creamed mixture
  • Drop teaspoon sized pieces onto the tray and allow space for spreading
  • Bake for 10-12 min then allow to cool on the tray before lifting.

Quinoa Moroccan Pilaf:

  1. 1 cup Quinoa seed
  2. 1 onion diced
  3. 1 tbs olive oil
  4. 1 tsp fine sea salt
  5. 4 tsp Moroccan spice mix
  6. 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  7. 1tbs Lemon juice
  8. 250g diced pumpkin
  9. 2 cups of vegetable stock
  10. A handful of chopped fresh coriander

  • Mix cranberries with lemon juice, cover and microwave on high for 30 seconds
  • Rinse Quinoa and drain well
  • Heat olive oil and saute onions until soft, add spice, salt and pumpkin and saute for another 2 minutes until fragrant
  • Add quinoa and stock and simmer for 15min stirring occasionally
  • Stir through cranberries and garnish with coriander.
Other Ideas:
Add to Soups, hamburgers, tabouli, salads, bread, muesli etc etc etc!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ABODE~ Natural Cleaning Products

On a typical day, the air inside of your house may have air pollution levels hundreds of times higher than the outside air. Many chemicals used in household cleaning products use ingredients which are found regularly in industrial settings and can be toxic to you and your family's health.

Some of the chemicals commonly found in cleaning products include:

  • Acetone- a skin and eye irritant which can cause damage to the liver and the unborn child

  • Formaldehyde- a known carcinogenic found in aerosols

  • Ammonia- exposure to vapours can lead to pneumonia and bronchitis

  • Fragrance- this on an ingredient list can indicate the presence of up to 4000 separate ingredients, most of which are synthetic.

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)- used to create a lather, this ingredient is a known skin irritant and allergen.

... plus many many more!

Consumers also need to be aware of products which claim to be green but under closer inspection they still contain synthetic compounds, artificial fragrances, SLS and betaines.

At Evelyn Faye we are now stocking a new range of cleaning products which are Australian owned and made and provide full ingredient disclosure.

Abode Cleaning products consist of Laundry liquid, laundry powder, baby laundry liquid, wool wash, dishwashing liquid, surface spray, window cleaner, floor cleaner, toilet gel and bathroom cleaner. They have a natural range and a specialty range for super sensitive skin. They are competitively priced and available now!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spirulina - Nature's Superfood!

Many of you may have heard of Spriulina, or perhaps taken it before as a supplement, or in a drink from your favorite juice bar....but many dont know just how amazing this little algae is!

Did you know, Spirulina has:
300% more CALCIUM than whole milk
2300% more IRON than spinach
3900% more BETA CAROTENE than carrots
375% more PROTEIN than tofu

On top of all that, just 3g (1tsp) of Spirulina has more antioxidants than 5 serves of vegetables, and 31 times more phytonutrient levels than blueberries, 60 times more potent than spinach and 700 times more potent apples

Stuck for ideas on how to use your powdered spirulina? Here's a couple of my favorite recipes if you're bored with just mixing with water...and they taste delicious too!

Spirulina Smoothie
2 Bananas
Half a cup of Pineapple Juice
1 cup Raspberries (or other berries that are in season - fresh or frozen)
1 teaspoon Spirulina
Blend all ingredients together, add ice if needed

Spirulina Guacamole
2 Avocados
2 medium Tomatoes
1 tablespoon Spirulina
Cayenne Pepper
Fresh lime of lemon juice
Salt to taste
Mash avocados, add all other ingredients and blend well

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Male Fertility

When we think of fertility and preparation for conception many of us focus on the mothers health and dismiss the male partner as simply a bystander... Not So!

One obvious barrier to conception is erectile dysfunction. Stress and anxiety can play a significant role in sexual performance; and you may be surprised to know that emotional stress can also effect sperm quality.

Male fertility can also be affected by exposure to chemicals, radiation, toxic metals and nutritional deficiencies or excesses. Oxidative stress from these factors can damage sperm motility, function and quantity. Exposure to heat or ionised radiation such as from mobile phones, microwaves or laptops have also been found to negativly impact sperm health. Xeno-estrogens such as BPA found in plastic water bottles (see our previous article on the dangers of BPA's!) have also been found to reduce testicular steroidogenisis which reduces the size and weight of male sex organs.
So... what can we do to ensure your sperm are swimming along well with plenty of their mates around?

Well the process of developing sperm takes about 3 months so you need to start looking after them at least 3 months before trying to concieve.

First things first, clear your cupboard: Avoid exposure to environmental factors such as using plastics, direct heat or radiation and chemicals found in pesticides, cleaning agents and food.
Then, clear your mind: improve your response to psychological stressors, or find ways to help you better cope with these pressures. Maybe take up more exercise, start reading or walking... anything to help you relax during the day.
Next, look at your nutrition. Try to always eat food that is as close as possible to its natural form. Most research on male fertility and nutrition is based around anti-oxidants including Vitamin C and E, Carnitine, Alpha lipoic acid, Zinc, CoQ 10, Selenium and Lycopene. Essential fatty acids such as those found in fish oil are also important for sperm health and motility; whilst herbs such as Tribulus, Panax Ginseng and Damiana have been used traditionally as male fertility and libido tonics.

Herbs of Gold and TNP both make great general male fertility tonics which provide a range of nutrients for preconception care.

For more information or a more personalised approach, contact us or visit us in store.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Candida Solutions!

Candida is a naturally occuring yeast that lives in the large bowel, its role is actually to feed the good bacteria that help our bodies to stay healthy. If these good bacteria are killed off, through the use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, steroids, prolonged illness, stress and poor diets, this results in an overgrowth of candida....which is when the problems start!
An overgrowth of candida can lead to the problem to developing into a 'parasitic fungus', and given time this parasitic fungus can penetrate through the genito-urinary tract and bowel wall, into the bloodstream, and circulate through the whole body. Once this happens, Candida can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from very vauge digestive complaints and a general 'hung over' feeling, to extreme fatigue, depression, and listlessness. Obviously these symptoms can be indicative of many other diseases and imbalances in the body, so it is important to get a Candida Test done, your GP can do a blood test, or if you'd prefer to self test we highly recommend the Candida5 test (available at Evelyn Faye Nutrition) To find out more about this test click here.
The aim of treatment for candida overgrowth is to weed out the candida, and to restablish the balance of 'good' bacteria/flora in the body, vagina, and digestive tract. As you've probably seen
there are quite a few supplements on the market that claim to kill off candida, lets look at the most effective options in my opinion.

Recent research has found that the herb Wormwood is extremely potent against the Candida fungal infection. Renowned medical herbalist, Gerald Green, conducted a trial on patients comparing the most commonly prescribed herbs prescribed for candida (pau darco, golden seal plus a few others) and found them all relatively ineffective compared with Wormwood!

This potent herbal anti-biotic/anti-viral/anti-fungal (you name it!) helps to strengthen the immune system from the cell level up, helping to overcome the promary cause of candida infestation and a low/damaged immune system.

Wormwood also stimulates digestive enzyme production and is mildly anti-inflammatory, and is currently being trialled as an alternate to anti-malarial drugs.

Wormwood does however come with some cautions. After a couple of days of treatment on high doses, some people may suffer from a condition called Herxheimers Syndrome, causing headaches, exhaustion and some other minor symptoms. This is usually caused by the rapid reduction of Candida, and should only last 1-3 days depending on the case. Depending on the individual, and the case, I generally recommend a dose of between 3g and 10g (in seperate doses) per day for 1week.

Saccharomyces Boulardii (SB)
SB belongs to a group of supplements referred to as 'probiotics' because it helps to maintain a normal balance of friendly bacteria in the intestinal and genito-urinary tract. SB is in fact a yeast (not a bacteria) that competes for space and interfers with binding of candida and other unwanted organisms on the mucous membrane wall.

Some Candida probiotic formulas will also contain other strains, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnous. Again, depending on the case and the individual, I would recommend a probiotic supplement 3 x daily during candida treatment.

The term 'Candida Diet' gets thrown around alot, but its hard to actually give a definitive about what this diet allows/doesnt allow, and again will be based on an individuals case. For the most part, simple dietary sugars (lollies, sugary drinks, white carbs) should be avoided, as should starchy foods, such as potatos and pasta. Depending on the practitioner, complex carbohydrates and grains (quinoa and amaranth are good options) may be allowed, and some low GI fruits may also be ok. But again, check with your practitioner on the details of what your diet may involve during treatment. This site may give you some more ideas about the diet.

Here is a rough guide to the products that I generally recommend for my clients with vaginal and/or intestinal candida.
- BioMedica Femicare Pessaries: each pessary contains 201mg tea tree oil, 900mcg garlic and 1.05g calendula. Use once daily.
- Bioceuticals SB Floractive or Ethical Nutrients Candex: contains SB strain (as above) plus other probiotics to increase good bacteria and 'weed' out candida and other organisms.
- Mediherb Bacto-Cand GI or Bioceuticals Paracea Forte: contain anti-parasitic (anti-candida) herbs in combination

Need more info about anything you've read? Give us a bell (03) 9686 0086

Written by Hannah Denham - Naturopath

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grass Fed V’s Grain Fed Beef

To put it bluntly; real cows eat grass- not grains!
(much of this information is from Dr Mercola)

Due to the massive industry push for increased quantity at lowest possible prices, short cuts are being taken in the food industry to cut costs and increase production. Unfortunately this is happening at the expense of both animal health and human health.

If you love milk, cheese, yogurt and beef but like many of us are becoming concerned with both the treatment of cattle and the nutritional factors such as high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol, then read on as I'm about to tell you about the healthy choice you can make when selecting food for your fridge.

The fat content of meat is a major reason why many people avoid eating it, and rightly so. Some beef products can have up to 70% fat content with the vast majority of that fat being saturated.

"Grain fed beef can have an omega 6:3 ratio higher than 20:1" J. Animal Sci 2000. 78: 2849- 2855

This far exceeds the 4:1 ratio where health problems arise due to essential fat imbalances

"Grass fed beef has an omega 6:3 ratio of 0.16:1"

Science suggests this ratio is ideal for our diet and similar to that of fish. Of the total fat found in grass fed beef, less than 10% is saturated in comparison to the 50% that can be found in grain fed beef.

Compared to grain-fed beef, grass-fed beef is:

  • 2-4 times richer in heart health omega 3 fatty acids

  • Lower in Saturated fats and higher in the "good" Unsaturated fats

  • 3-5 times higher in CLA (contributes to weight loss in humans)

  • Loaded with over 400% more Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) and E

  • Significantly lower in calories

And it's not just the meat that's better for you... According to a recent study by the University of Aberdeen; Organic Milk has up to 71% more Omega 3 than non-organic milk.

For a list of Australian companies which produce grass fed beef go to

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Dangers of Bottled Water

Your body is made up of 80 percent water and you can only live a few days without this precious, life-giving substance. Most of us are dehydrated and not even aware of the body's many cries for water. But the quality, and hence the source of our water is vitally important for maintaining optimal health.

Recently, alot of dirt has been dug up about the bottled water industry, that in some cases it's been shown to be really only tap water, how environmentally unfriendly it is, and how bad water stored in plastic can be for our health. So lets look a little closer at the dangers of bottled water.

Environmental Impacts

Australians spend more than half a billion dollars a year on bottled water, producing and delivering just one litre of this water can emit hundreds of times more greenhouse gases than a litre of tap water. In many cases, a litre of bottled water is more expensive than a litre of petrol.

Australia recycles only 36% of PET plastic drink bottles. Assuming the 582.9 million litres of bottled water produced in 2009-10 is in litre bottles, according to these figures, 373 million of those bottles will end up as waste, add to that the 15,253.79 tonnes of PET that was used in the packaging of this bottled water in 2009-10, and you'll soon realise that this is an environmental nightmare!

Approximately 52.5 million litres of oil was used in 2009-10 to produce the PET used to package bottled water in Australia, excluding the energy used in transportation and refrigeration. Plus
more energy is used to fill the bottles, move them by truck, train, ship, or air, refrigerate them and recover, recycle or discard the empty bottles. The Pacific Institute estimates that the total amount of energy embedded in the use of bottled water can be as high as the equivalent of filling a plastic bottle one quarter full with oil. Therefore, more than 145.7 million litres of oil was used in the production, transportation, refrigeration and recycling/disposing of bottled water in Australia in 2009-10.

Shocking isnt it!

The Impact on your Health
(info sourced from Dr Mercola’s blog here )

"Drinking water from a plastic water bottle poses serious health risks to you and your family. Let's take a look at some of these dangers to give you a better idea of why bottled water is not the healthy choice you've been led to believe it is.

Plastic would obviously be an issue for most bottled waters but it also comes into play for home or commercially filtered waters, or even raw spring water in that you need a container to store your water before you consume it. Obviously the best container is glass because when you choose plastic you are potentially exposed to the following chemicals.

· Learning and behavioral problems
· Altered immune system function
· Early puberty in girls and fertility problems
· Decreased sperm count
· Prostate and breast cancer
· Diabetes and obesity

If you are pregnant or nursing, your child is also at risk. If you are feeding your baby or toddler from a plastic bottle, switch to glass to avoid BPA contamination.
Phthalates are widely used to make plastics like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) more flexible. Phthalates are endocrine-disrupting chemicals that have been linked to a wide range of developmental and reproductive effects, including:
· Reduced sperm counts
· Testicular atrophy or structural abnormality
· Liver cancer

Further, in experiments on rats, phthalates have demonstrably blocked the action of fetal androgens, which affects
gender development in male offspring, leading to undescended testes at birth and testicular tumors later in life.

Studies have also found that boys whose mothers had high phthalate exposures while pregnant were much more likely to have certain
demasculinized traits and produce less testosterone.
Yet another study found that pregnant women who are exposed to phthalates
gave birth more than one week earlier than women who were not exposed to them.

Pharmacy in a Bottle -- As mentioned above, about 40 percent of bottled water is tap water. This means you are not only exposed to dangerous BPA from the bottle, you may also be exposed to a variety of water contaminants such as
fluoride, chlorine, arsenic, aluminum, disinfection byproducts and prescription drugs.

Though drinking bottled water directly from a store shelf poses serious health risks, leaving this bottled water in your car or strapped to your bike and exposed to the hot sun will cause even more serious chemical exposure. Ultraviolet rays from the sun or high temperatures will accelerate leaching of the plastic chemicals mentioned above into the water.
Adding to this health threat is a toxic substance called dioxin, which is also released into bottled water when it is left in the sun. Dioxin has been
strongly linked to the development of breast cancer.
What Are the Alternatives??

I know what you have just read is quite alarming, terrifying, depressing...etc! But there are alternatives to plastic water bottles, and the 'drinking water industry' so no need to stress!

Poly-Carb Drink Bottles

Are polycarb drinking bottles really safe? The short answer is definitely yes.
Contrary to the myths, misinformation and scare stories about the safety of polycarbonate water bottles, independent government and scientific bodies worldwide have declared they are safe to use and reuse. Poly-Carb bottles are very light weight, and can be recycled once you're done with them. We stock poly-carb bottles in 600ml, 1L and 2.2L sizes.

SIGG and Cheeki Bottles

SIGG has been manufacturing reusable water bottles since 1908 in Switzerland. SIGG can say with even more confidence all The ingredients used in SIGG products are in conformance with both European and U.S. regulatory requirements, they are also certified and free of harmful chemicals, free of any volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), Phthalates, BADGE, BFDGE, and NOGE and BPA’s. Furthermore, SIGG bottles are recyclable at the end of their working life!

Cheeki is a new Australian-owned brand, they manufacture safe/healthy (BPA free) stainless steel reusable water bottles, and are working hard to encourage a significantly reduced consumption of disposable plastic water bottles, and educate people on the risks of plastic bottles.
Got Questions? Give us a bell or pop in and have a chat!