Thursday, October 24, 2013

Put Your Nutrtion Where Your Mouth Is

With all the attention we're paying to what goes in our mouths today a little more awareness of  our oral health as in gum disease (periodontal disease) definitely wouldn't go astray.

Oral health is often reserved for that annual trip to the dentist, but with all we are relying on our chomps to do it's worth investing some quality nutrition into the longevity of our mouths.

Microgenics Mega C High PotencyIf you suffer from raw red sore or bleeding gums (gingivitis) there are some key nutritionals you may be lacking.

-Vitamin C

We need just 160mg a day to keep our gums happy and healthy yet some of us just still aren't making the cut. There was once a time when sailors and those subjected to lengthy sea voyages without fresh perishable produce would develop vitamin C deficiency presenting with bleeding inflamed gums. As vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen and healthy connective tissues you can see how lack there of has an effect on our gum health as well as many other underlying tissues.

-Co Q10

CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant known for it's positive effects on our heart. This powerful antioxidant is also very important for oral health providing energy to the gum cells while promoting wound healing and tissue recovery support. All individuals on a statin drugs should be supplementing with this nutrient!

-Zinc, Vitamin A, E and Selenium

Vitamin A is another nutrient of great importance in collagen synthesis and wound healing while the super synergistic team of Selenium and vitamin E work together as antioxidants and wound healers.

If you are a sufferer of those painful mouth ulcers and seem to have a new one pop up just as you kicked the last one you may be lacking some Zinc. This essential mineral is one 76% of us on average are lacking.

For oral health that will keep you smiling well into the years.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Evelyn Faye Detox 2013!!

It is that time of the year again where summer is fast approaching and the desire for a flat, un-bloated stomach and glowing skin kicks in as we prepare to go bikini shopping (GASP!!)

So springtime is therefore the perfect time for a body cleanse.

The Naturopaths at Evelyn Faye in South Melbourne have put together a 14 day detox program which stimulates the liver, kidneys and bowel, our 3 major elimination organs.  You may be interested in doing a detox if you can relate to some of the following:
  • Are you often tired and lethargic?
  • Do you suffer from bloating, constipation or other digestive discomforts?
  • Do you feel foggy headed, have trouble concentrating or forget things easily?
  • Do you have allergies or suspected food sensitivities?
  • Do you get recurrent headaches?
  • Do you suffer from depression, anxiety or irritability?
  • Do you love to indulge in rich foods, alcohol and the finer things in life?
In our modern world we are exposed to toxins day in and day out; they are in our food, water supply, air, skin care, cleaning products, work place etc etc the list goes on.  Our body has inbuilt mechanisms for dealing with these toxins however they can build up to a point where these processes become overwhelmed and no longer work efficiently.  This is where living a clean lifestyle, eating clean foods and taking supplements to support our elimination organs for a couple of weeks can assist in re-booting our bodies to be healthy and vital.

The Evelyn Faye detox consists of:

  • A herbal mix taken 3 x daily.  This contains Milk Thistle (famous for its liver stimulating and restorative properties) Pau D'Arco (anti microbial & anti fungal) Cleavers (A kidney tonic and diuretic) and Cascara (a gentle bowel stimulant)
  • Pretorius Probiotic, 2 capsules taken before bed to help re-inoculate the bowel with healthy gut flora.
  • Kapai Puku, a wonderful mix of raw seeds taken 1 x daily mixed into yoghurt or soaked in juice.  This provides you with fibre which will bind to toxins in the bowel and encourage elimination.
Additionally you will get an information booklet outlining measures you can take to detoxify your environment as well as a food shopping list and a recommended meal plan.

All of this for $69.95!!


Kick start the silly season in full flight.  Feel and look fantastic!