Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Candida Solutions!

Candida is a naturally occuring yeast that lives in the large bowel, its role is actually to feed the good bacteria that help our bodies to stay healthy. If these good bacteria are killed off, through the use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, steroids, prolonged illness, stress and poor diets, this results in an overgrowth of candida....which is when the problems start!
An overgrowth of candida can lead to the problem to developing into a 'parasitic fungus', and given time this parasitic fungus can penetrate through the genito-urinary tract and bowel wall, into the bloodstream, and circulate through the whole body. Once this happens, Candida can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from very vauge digestive complaints and a general 'hung over' feeling, to extreme fatigue, depression, and listlessness. Obviously these symptoms can be indicative of many other diseases and imbalances in the body, so it is important to get a Candida Test done, your GP can do a blood test, or if you'd prefer to self test we highly recommend the Candida5 test (available at Evelyn Faye Nutrition) To find out more about this test click here.
The aim of treatment for candida overgrowth is to weed out the candida, and to restablish the balance of 'good' bacteria/flora in the body, vagina, and digestive tract. As you've probably seen
there are quite a few supplements on the market that claim to kill off candida, lets look at the most effective options in my opinion.

Recent research has found that the herb Wormwood is extremely potent against the Candida fungal infection. Renowned medical herbalist, Gerald Green, conducted a trial on patients comparing the most commonly prescribed herbs prescribed for candida (pau darco, golden seal plus a few others) and found them all relatively ineffective compared with Wormwood!

This potent herbal anti-biotic/anti-viral/anti-fungal (you name it!) helps to strengthen the immune system from the cell level up, helping to overcome the promary cause of candida infestation and a low/damaged immune system.

Wormwood also stimulates digestive enzyme production and is mildly anti-inflammatory, and is currently being trialled as an alternate to anti-malarial drugs.

Wormwood does however come with some cautions. After a couple of days of treatment on high doses, some people may suffer from a condition called Herxheimers Syndrome, causing headaches, exhaustion and some other minor symptoms. This is usually caused by the rapid reduction of Candida, and should only last 1-3 days depending on the case. Depending on the individual, and the case, I generally recommend a dose of between 3g and 10g (in seperate doses) per day for 1week.

Saccharomyces Boulardii (SB)
SB belongs to a group of supplements referred to as 'probiotics' because it helps to maintain a normal balance of friendly bacteria in the intestinal and genito-urinary tract. SB is in fact a yeast (not a bacteria) that competes for space and interfers with binding of candida and other unwanted organisms on the mucous membrane wall.

Some Candida probiotic formulas will also contain other strains, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnous. Again, depending on the case and the individual, I would recommend a probiotic supplement 3 x daily during candida treatment.

The term 'Candida Diet' gets thrown around alot, but its hard to actually give a definitive about what this diet allows/doesnt allow, and again will be based on an individuals case. For the most part, simple dietary sugars (lollies, sugary drinks, white carbs) should be avoided, as should starchy foods, such as potatos and pasta. Depending on the practitioner, complex carbohydrates and grains (quinoa and amaranth are good options) may be allowed, and some low GI fruits may also be ok. But again, check with your practitioner on the details of what your diet may involve during treatment. This site may give you some more ideas about the diet.

Here is a rough guide to the products that I generally recommend for my clients with vaginal and/or intestinal candida.
- BioMedica Femicare Pessaries: each pessary contains 201mg tea tree oil, 900mcg garlic and 1.05g calendula. Use once daily.
- Bioceuticals SB Floractive or Ethical Nutrients Candex: contains SB strain (as above) plus other probiotics to increase good bacteria and 'weed' out candida and other organisms.
- Mediherb Bacto-Cand GI or Bioceuticals Paracea Forte: contain anti-parasitic (anti-candida) herbs in combination

Need more info about anything you've read? Give us a bell (03) 9686 0086

Written by Hannah Denham - Naturopath

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grass Fed V’s Grain Fed Beef

To put it bluntly; real cows eat grass- not grains!
(much of this information is from Dr Mercola)

Due to the massive industry push for increased quantity at lowest possible prices, short cuts are being taken in the food industry to cut costs and increase production. Unfortunately this is happening at the expense of both animal health and human health.

If you love milk, cheese, yogurt and beef but like many of us are becoming concerned with both the treatment of cattle and the nutritional factors such as high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol, then read on as I'm about to tell you about the healthy choice you can make when selecting food for your fridge.

The fat content of meat is a major reason why many people avoid eating it, and rightly so. Some beef products can have up to 70% fat content with the vast majority of that fat being saturated.

"Grain fed beef can have an omega 6:3 ratio higher than 20:1" J. Animal Sci 2000. 78: 2849- 2855

This far exceeds the 4:1 ratio where health problems arise due to essential fat imbalances

"Grass fed beef has an omega 6:3 ratio of 0.16:1"

Science suggests this ratio is ideal for our diet and similar to that of fish. Of the total fat found in grass fed beef, less than 10% is saturated in comparison to the 50% that can be found in grain fed beef.

Compared to grain-fed beef, grass-fed beef is:

  • 2-4 times richer in heart health omega 3 fatty acids

  • Lower in Saturated fats and higher in the "good" Unsaturated fats

  • 3-5 times higher in CLA (contributes to weight loss in humans)

  • Loaded with over 400% more Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) and E

  • Significantly lower in calories

And it's not just the meat that's better for you... According to a recent study by the University of Aberdeen; Organic Milk has up to 71% more Omega 3 than non-organic milk.

For a list of Australian companies which produce grass fed beef go to