Did you know that you can book in for an Iridology Session at Evelyn Faye Nutrition?
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So what exactly is Iridology & how does it work?
Iridology - The Eyes Say It All (By Susan M Thompson)
"Looking into a persons eyes, can give you an idea of how healthy and what type of mood they may be in.
Look at a young child, and when they are happy and excited - their eyes are sparkling, like the sun shining on water during a sunny day. When feeling sick their eyes loose that spark of vitality, becoming quiet and dull.
Look at a young child, and when they are happy and excited - their eyes are sparkling, like the sun shining on water during a sunny day. When feeling sick their eyes loose that spark of vitality, becoming quiet and dull.
Iridology offers an alternative idea on how to improve your health. Iridology is a science that studies the structures and analysis of patterns within the iris of the eye.
Doing this locates areas and various stages of inflammation throughout the body. The iris is the part of your eye that shows colour, e.g. blue, brown, green, hazel. It reveals the bodies' constitution (general health), strengths, weaknesses and phases that the human body goes through in a person's way of life.
In the 1800s, a young lad by the name of Ignatz Von Peczely caught an owl in his garden. He noticed a black line rising in the owl's eye, after accidentally breaking its leg during its struggle. Once well again, he noticed the appearance of crooked white lines across the black area of the owl's eyes. He later became a physician and had many an opportunity to study the irises of patients.
The more he studied he came to believe that a reflex relationship existed, between tissue changes in the body and iris markings. He developed the first iris chart, which has been revised and updated as the years have gone on.
The iris is made up of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, which are said to be connected by impulses to every tissue of the body via the brain and the nervous system.
The iris is made up of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, which are said to be connected by impulses to every tissue of the body via the brain and the nervous system.
Nerve fibres (trabecula) respond specifically to tissue and organ conditions with a corresponding physical reflex manifested in the iris as lesions and colour variations (i.e. red lines on the white part of the eye).
The iris chart (formed over many years by practitioners such as Dr Bernard Jensen) represents the body organs and tissues similar to a map. A diagnosis is made by superimposing (placing the chart) over an iris image projection, allowing detailed observation of the medical data recorded there.
A complete iris analysis can show whether a person has general good health or poor, depending upon the density of the iris fibres. Patterns, structures, colours, degrees of lightness and darkness in the iris tell if an area of the body is strong or weak. Toxic accumulation levels, nutritional and chemical imbalances can be observed as well.
Iridology will not show a specific medical condition or disease per se. Body tissues indicate tendency towards conditions of "dis-ease" (disease being abnormal) often before symptoms appear to a person. Iridology will not reveal surgery performed under anaesthesia as nerve impulses are discontinued. And iridology can't locate parasites, gallstones, or germ life, yet will indicate the presence of inflammation and toxic conditions that are a refuge for their development.
Iridology has the potential to be of great benefit for health care as it has the ability to potentially forewarn of approaching difficulties or signs of "disease". By allowing the practitioner to determine what is happening inside the body from a simple, painless, and economical external vantage point. In effect, iridology can reveal how well your body is functioning".
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