Beetroot juice “could save your life” claimed the Daily Mail (June 29, 2010), and they're right!
Beetroot juice contains nitrates, chemicals that reduces blood pressure and therefore cut the risk of heart disease and stroke. The article (here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1290434/Drinking-beetroot-juice-dramatically-lowers-risk-heart-disease-strokes.html) was based on the results of a clinical trial where patients who drank a glass of beetroot juice a day were found to have significantly lower blood pressure within 24 hours.
"The findings, published in Hypertension, the journal of the American Heart Association, could now see beetroot juice being used as a treatment. Researchers at William Harvey Research Institute at Queen Mary University in London compared patients who were given a 250ml glass of beetroot juice a day with those who took nitrate tablets.
They found that the two methods were equally successful in reducing blood pressure.
The researchers concluded that the nitrates which naturally occur in beetroot are the cause of its beneficial effects. They produce a gas known as nitric oxide in the blood which widens blood vessels and arteries and lowers blood pressure".
They found that the two methods were equally successful in reducing blood pressure.

Do we sell Beetroot juice here at EFN South Melbourne? You bet'cha! We stock the Biotta certified organic Beetroot Juice, and I can promise you that it is quite delicious aswell!
Posted by Hannah Denham (Naturopath)
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