Monday, April 25, 2011


Dry and dehydrated skin can leave us looking pale, older and unhealthy as well as having physical symptoms of itchiness, cracking, redness, enlarged pores, discolouration and poor healing. It is vital for radient skin to have a good balance of water and oil. It is water that keeps our skin cells plump and youthfull looking, whilst oil protects our skin and reduces evaporation of water from our cells.

Water enters the skin from the blood streem so the most important factor to healthy skin is drinking plenty of water and eating a clean diet full of fresh vegetables. Important nutrtients for healthy skin include Vitamin A (found in yellow and orange vegetables) Zinc (found in nuts, seeds and shellfish) Vitamin C (kiwi fruit, red capsicum and broccoli) Anti-oxidants (berries, raw foods, red and purple vegetables and fruits) Sulphur (onions, garlic, eggs) and Omega 3, 6 & 9 (fish, nuts, seeds, coconut)

Avoiding Alcohol, caffeine, smoking, sugary foods and fried fats will also go a long way in maintaining youthfull looking skin as will staying protected from the elements such as sun and wind.

When choosing beauty products a facial oil may be better for dry skin. Rose Hip oil is well absorbed and high in Vitamin A, C & E. Jojoba Oil is very well absorbed into the skin and is very nourishing as well as high in antioxidants. Here at Evelyn Faye we have a range of facial oils which are natural and organic. You should also avoid using soaps and washes with foaming agents. MooGoo is a range of skin products which specifically target dry and irritated skin, we are forever getting fantastic feedback from customers who use this range.

For anyone coming into the store with dry and irritated skin with no known cause I would suggest they supplement with the following:

*Ethical Nutrients High strength Liquid Fish Oil - 1tsp per day

*Planet health Silicea- 1tbs per day

*Natural Vitamin E 500IU per day

Then suggest the following beauty products:

*MooGoo Shampoo, Conditioner and Body Wash

*Jojoba Oil or Coconut Oil for the body

*Aum Rose Hip Oil for the face

And Increase through the diet:

*Fresh brightly coloured fruit and vegetables.

*Fish, Raw nuts and seeds


*Protein sources such as lean meats, wholegrains and tofu


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


These crippling conditions characterized by pain, stiffness, bone deformity and swelling arise when the normally smooth and lubricating function of cartilage is lost. Cartilage deterioration is due to a gradual reduction in proteoglycan levels which would normally maintain cartilage integrity.

Arthritis is a degenerative condition and therefore irreversible and mostly progressive. Modern medicine focuses on management and relief of pain through the use of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's) which unfortunately fail to meet requirements of many sufferers and have detrimental health effects over the long term.

The natural medicine community has a lot to offer those struggling with the disease or as preventative treatment for those who feel they may be at risk in the future.

Glucosamine: A major building block of proteoglycans which protect cartilage, glucosamine also helps maintain and protect cartilage strength and flexibility. Glucosamine has been proven to be equally effective as NSAID's with over 20 controlled trails focusing on pain and functional impairment. Glucosamine is safe and can be used in combination with anti-inflammatory and analgesic treatment.

Chondroitin: Another building block of proteoglycans, chondroitin is a particularly important component of connective tissue, cartliage and tendons. It is chondroitin which gives cartilage it's cushioning and shock absorbing properties and therefore very important in weight bearing joints such as the hips and knees. In clinical trials Chondroitin has been shown to reduce patient reliance on pain medication and increase joint motility whilst having no known side effects

Fish Oils: Inflammatory cells contain high levels of omega 6 derived from Arachadonic Acid. Omega 3 from fish oil acts as a competitor to Arachadonic Acid thereby reducing the production of these inflammatory cells. Studies show that omega 3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and improve arthritic symptoms of joint pain, morning stiffness, grip strength and fatigue.

Herbal Medicine: Many herbs possess potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects without harshness on the stomach. Well researched and effective herbs include Turmeric, Boswellia and Ginger. The benefit of taking the herbal remedies is that they work quickly whilst the glucosamine, chondroitin and omega 3 may take longer to have desired effect. Therefor taking herbs for the first 2 months of treatment will help alleviate symptoms and enhance healing and then can be taken away as the others build up.

Products I would suggest looking at would be FUSION "Glucosamine premium repair" NUTRA LIFE "Concentrated joint powder" ETHICAL NUTRIENTS "Hi-Strength fish oil" and ETHICAL NUTRIENTS "Pain relief"

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The healing power of flowers

Back Flower Remedies have been around for 70 years helping people by relieving stress and emotional imbalances. We have all seen or heard of the famous Rescue Remedy Combination, but what exactly are flower essences, how do they work and how do we choose the one which one is right for us?

There are 38 Remedies in total, all discovered by Dr Edward Bach, a London surgeon and immunologist. His original research was in vaccines but he turned to homeopathy after disappointment with the way the medical profession viewed disease and didn't take into account the emotional well being of patients. In 1930 his focus shifted again from homeopathy to the essences of flowers. Over years of trial and error, Dr Bach found each of the remedies he wanted for different mental and emotional states.

Each of the 38 remedies is associated with a basic human emotion; Mimulus for example is the remedy taken when you are anxious or afraid of something specific; people who are afraid of flying may take this before getting on a plane. The exact mechanism of how they work is unknown however it is believed the vibrational energy of the plant is carried across the extraction process and retained in the mother tincture. This energy can be seen in photographs of the essences which produce beautiful kirlian crystal formations.

Bach remedies are safe and effective in pregnancy, for young children and even your pets! My first experience with rescue remedy was for both myself and my horse as we would get uptight and nervous before competitions. Expecting mothers may take Walnut which is used to help people adjust with change; or Star of Bethlehem in cases where the birth itself has been particularly traumatic. Parents may get to love Vine which is great for bossy and stubborn children determined to get their own way!

To take the remedy in an acute moment of distress you simply put 2 drops of each selected essence into a glass of water and sip as often as required until relief is obtained. For more chronic conditions take a small bottle with distilled water and place2-4 drops of each selected remedy into the bottle. From this bottle take 4 drops 4 x daily.

Here at Evelyn Faye we stock a full range of individual remedies, the Rescue remedy, Sleep remedy and we can also make up individualised mixtures from our dispensary.

To see a list of the individual remedies and their action see here