Most of us know of the negative impact that dehydration has on physical performance during training and competition. However, with the growing number of sports drinks on the market in fancy packaging promising great taste and peak performance, we tend to disregard the impact these table-sugar and sodium-loaded drinks have on our teeth!
So where do we go from here...? Do we drink water to keep our teeth healthy but miss out on the carbohydrates needed to fuel peak performance OR do we continue to drink highly acidic sports drinks that will only wear down the enamel on our teeth and cause severe dental erosion...???
Here's the answer...
SUKKIE - "Your performance shouldn't cost your teeth"
Flavours : Lemon Crush & Berry Rush
Sizes : 420g or 800g
Sukkie contains :
* NO cane sugar
* NO artificial colours
* NO artifical flavours
* NO gluten or other allergens
* Low acid with pH5
with 500mL water
Energy 101 cal
Protein 0g
Protein 0g
Fat, Total 0g
-saturated 0g
Carbohydrate 25.1g
-fructose 15.35g
-maltodextrin 9.75g
Dietary fibre 0g
Sodium 260mg
Potassium 95mg
Calcium 175mg
What is Sukkie?
"Sukkie" provides the energy you need to perform at your best while also containing a high concentration of electrolytes to help prevent muscular cramps and calcium in particular to strengthen teeth. Due to it's low pH level, Sukkie will not cause any loss of tooth enamel.
It's carbohydrate energy blend of maltodextrin and fructose will allow for a sustained release of glucose into the blood stream preventing insulin spikes and sugar crashes so you'll feel energised for longer!
How do I use it?
Before competition :
Optimal hydration must begin the day before competition. Aim to drink 3-4litres of water during this time.
On the morning of competition, consume 500mL water on rising, then sip on 500mL Sukkie in the hour leading up to compeition.
During competition :
Everyone will have a different sweat rate, but, as a general rule aim for 1 litre of fluid every hour. Consume 500mL - 750mL Sukkie Rehydration every hour and get the remaining 200-300mL from plain water.
Sip on 200-250mL every 15 minutes during competition.
After compeition :
Consume 1L fluid for every 1kg body weight lost. 500mL-1L of Sukkie Rehydration will quickly replace fluid lost as well as replenish depleted muscle glycogen stores. This will allow for quicker recovery before your next event or training session...
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, see Elise in store or drop by on Tuesday 29th March to taste both flavours & talk to Leon, founder of the product!
Or go to : http://www.sukkie.com.au/